


Meet Trent Stephenson, Owner and dog trainer extraordinaire! Trent has been has been passing along his expertise in dog training and behavior modification since 2006 when he began working with rescue dogs in Chicago while simultaneously conducting obedience and protection work with his own pet German Shepherd.

After living all over the United States and enduring harsh mid-west Winters, embracing the opportunity to work with his very own Sit Means Sit was a no brainer! It’s not unlikely to catch a glimpse of Trent around town performing tricks with his dog Bounce, a Belgian Malinois. His favorite breed is the Belgian Malinois which is often confused for German Shepherds. Their natural athleticism, high intelligence and work drive makes them ideal dogs to train.

When Trent isn’t working, he loves taking his dog hiking and camping and traveling all around the country. Wherever he goes, she goes, too. Trent’s best training advice is to start early because you have a lifetime to get it right.

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