Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Canine Hydrated in Hot Weather

Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Canine Hydrated in Hot Weather

It’s summertime, and you know better than anyone else the discomfort that comes with dehydration. We’re lucky enough to be able to grab a cool bottle of water to quench our thirst during the hot months, but our pups are not as fortunate. As dog owners, it’s our responsibility to keep Fido happy and healthy as the temperature crawls up the thermometer. This can be challenging, but with these few tips, your canine will be ready to take on the summer sun with a smile.

Modify Diet to Promote Hydration

Keeping canines hydrated throughout the summer can be challenging. Still, one of the simplest tricks you can do to ensure your pet feels good in the heat is to introduce more hydration options into its diet.

Having water readily available allows Fido to drink water when he or she pleases. Bringing along water guarantees that your pup can enjoy themselves no matter where you are. Furthermore, consider bringing along a clean water bowl for your pup to drink out of. If you’re heading somewhere with water available for your pooch, you’ll want to bring a clean bowl for your dog to drink out of. This lessens the chance of cross-contamination and makes getting water to your furry friend easier.

Another way to promote hydration in your dog’s diet is to add water to its food. Whether you feed dry kibble or wet food, adding a little bit of water to your pup’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner can improve their daily water intake while introducing a different sensory experience!

Finally, pets LOVE fun treats. A perfect way to keep your canine hydrated in the sun is by including frozen treats in their diet. Frozen bone or chicken broths, dog-safe fruits like watermelon or strawberry, and even plain old ice can do wonders for your pup’s enjoyment of staying hydrated. By associating treats and hydration, Fido will be more than willing to enjoy the heat in a safe way!

Watch for Signs of Dehydration

Similarly to humans, our furry counterparts have various ways of regulating their body temperature throughout the seasons. While dogs can pant and sweat through glands on their noses and feet to exert heat, there is no perfect way for pups to avoid dehydration. It’s imperative that, as dog owners, we watch for signs of dehydration and act accordingly to aid our doggies.

Signs of Dehydration Among Dogs

  • Excessive panting.
  • Dry gums, mouth, or nose.
  • Pale gums.
  • Extreme fatigue or sluggish movements.
  • Personality changes.
  • Increased heart rate.

There are also some steps you can take to try to minimize the possibility of dehydration. Consider purchasing a cooling vest or cooling mat to act as pet A.C.

If you believe your canine is suffering from dehydration, it’s essential to quickly get them out of the sun and access to drinking water. Once dehydration is identified, make sure your pup continues to drink water throughout the day. Keep a close eye on the water levels of drinking bowls and how often your pooch needs to go potty!

Set Your Pet Up for Success

Sometimes, we cannot escape the heat – that’s okay. If you know you and your dog will be facing a long day with the possibility of dehydration, consider how to make the day as easy as possible.

When spending time with your four-legged friend, avoid the day’s hottest parts. Try going for walks in the morning or evening or when there is the least sun exposure. This will allow your furball to get its required daily exercise in a safe way for both of you.

We also recommend staying up to date on local forecasts and weather changes. As the weather develops, so should your plans. Keep watch of your dog and know when it is the best time to enjoy the outdoors with your pup and when it’s time to turn in; this ensures comfort throughout the day.

Lastly, have fun with your furry family members. Summer is the perfect season to spend some quality time with pets, and there are plenty of activities you can enjoy that will help to keep your pup cool and hydrated. Spend time at the pool or play in the sprinkler with your dog. Enjoy a relaxing beach day and a tan for you and your pooch, or simply play fetch with water balls. This will allow them to exert energy and safely get plenty of exercise.

Hydration is key to ensuring a happy and healthy pooch regardless of the breed. By following these easy tips, your dog is sure to have a comfortable and healthy summer.